Thursday, November 25, 2010

On Being Thankful...

It is not a traditional day of turkey and pie for me- but that doesn't make me a bit less thankful. A cooking incident that went horribly awry has left my house a difficult place to for me to be, while the smoke residual is cleaned away. Hopefully, it will be put back to order in a week or so. Until then, I find myself in need of being away.... no matter.

For I have wonderful friends with whom to share the most beautiful locations in Ohio (Huron Lighthouse.)

I can see birds that make my heart soar... (Sabine's Gull)

And spend time with people who love nature, respect the awesomeness of our natural world, and work to preserve it for the future.
It all makes little things like kitchens and pies seem less important, and family- especially my family of friends- more important.

So no matter what life hands us, as long as we count our blessings- like the call of tundra swans on the wing, ruddy ducks paddling about our reservoirs, and gigantic sandhill cranes... the rest is not important. I can always bird.

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