Sunday, August 29, 2010


Yesterday was our regular GMAS bird walk at Byers Woods and afterwards I did a bit of solo birding for shorebirds. Funk Wildlife Area and the peat pit on Wilderness Rd seemed like good places to start, but it was the place that I finished that proved most interesting!

While heading North on Funk RD (yes, that is really its name!) I spotted 10-12 Great Egrets and multiple Great Blue Herons feeding at a receding water hole in a fallow field. I figured I would set up my scope and take a peek...

Ibis sp. and two great Egrets photo by Kurt Wray
It was a funny moment when I realized there were two ibis fraternizing with this long legged crew. Not a sight you expect to see in Ohio!! So, thanks to Greg Miller, we got the word out on the Ohio List-serv and folks started rolling in to witness these unusual visitors.

Ibis photo by Kurt Wray
Kurt Wray sent along a few photos, and we appreciate a closer look at this pair. It is difficult if not impossible to tell if they are juvenile Glossy or White-faced Ibis, but based on past history, Glossy would be the more likely of the two.
If you are interested in the break down between the two species of dark ibis click here for a recent article on the Colorado Field Ornithologist's Blog.
Whatever they were- I was happy to see them. But seriously, I could have fun just watching the egrets and herons. If it is nature- it is all good!

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