Another shot of the same plant from the last post, Harbinger of spring, this one in a more developed state. Interestingly enough, we were discussing the possible pollinators for such an early plant. Beetles? Ants?
Behold- the bee! Now remember this flower-head is no bigger than a dime, and our bee appears to be a Mason or "orchard bee" of the Osmia family. Looks like a match to the Kaufman Field Guide to Insects (pg. 343). This is the book- I thought I would never use it, and now it is darn near indispensable!
These pollinators are quite interesting, as they are picking up more of the slack than people had imagined, since the colony collapse disorder has stuck the non-native European Honeybees.
And remember the name "Salt and Pepper?" Not the rock band, the other common name of Harbinger of Spring. This photo clearly illustrates that moniker.
Micro bees and macros of flora- stay tuned! You'll be amazed at all Adams County had to offer!
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