Sunday, February 9, 2014

Winter Fun

It is snowing again in Ohio, and many think, Enough is enough!  

However, I am here to tell you there is a world of fun out there. This winter has found me so preoccupied with X-C skiing and bird watching, one hardly has time to blog!

 Last weekend a group of us joined up in Burton, Ohio to participate in some fellowship and skiing.

Jim and Sandy Davidson
The organizer of the event, Sandy Davidson,  was looking quite stylish schussing about with husband, Jim.

 Lest you think north east Ohio has nothing to offer, you simply must check out Chapin Forest.

 The snow fell quiet and deep, making the ski trail a winter wonderland.

Katryn Reynard and Bruce
 Unfortunately, it had rained the night before, and the skis gathered the wet snow.  Katryn displays the dilemma, whilst husband Bruce scrapes the mess "ski-on-ski" style.  Jan Kennedy bailed us out with a scraper- a big "thanks" to Jan!

 Scenery?  It doesn't get much better than this.  Although, if you travel to Chapin Woods, I hope you will visit Penitentiary Glen as well.  It offers snowshoeing through a Hemlock forest.

 On the way back to Cleveland I happened across another hidden scenic treasure:  Pleasant Valley.  Unfortunately, it is not so pleasant as it would have been before someone drilled for oil/ gas.  These industrial distractions happened long ago, but they still spoil what was once a stunning view-scape.

 I doubled back, just to capture this photo from the bridge.

The Chagrin River from the Pleasant Valley bridge.
Ice jams in the river created pools and eddies of frigid water and snow pack. Lovely to look at, but a dangerous stretch of winter water.

Don't despair the February stretch of more cold and snow.  Nature has marvelous sights in store, every season of the year. Get out and discover your own winter wonderlands.

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