Thursday, August 23, 2012

Daughmer Prairie Dedication

Daughmer Prairie is about to be dedicated as Ohio's newest State Nature Preserve, and the good news: You are invited!

Daughmer Prairie, photo by Ian Adams
 Daughmer Prairie has been the topic of numerous blog posts, feel free to click on the following links:
Preserving, its Gems, Fire, and  Revisited

But for all my words, Ohio's famous photographer, my friend  Ian Adams captures the feel in one photo.  Amazing.  Thank you Ian.

And now, it is your chance to walk under the Oaks at Daughmer.  You are invited to the Dedication at 10:00 AM on Monday August 27, and tours will be given afterward. We hope to see you there!

Click on Invitation to enlarge. 


  1. Dedication MONDAY, AUGUST 23RD??? NO SUCH THING!!

  2. Ah, you are oh-so-correct! I have changed the date to reflect the correct date, which was in the invitation. Thank you for the "heads up." Believe me, I need all the help I can get!

