Sunday, July 15, 2012

Mohican and Audubon

Some of the finest hiking trails in Mohican are found within close proximity to the  scenic covered bridge which span the Clear Fork River.  Trails flank each side of the river, at each end of the bridge and a third trail leads into Hog Hollow.

Covered Bridge at Mohican State Park

The overcast weather on Saturday made for cool and comfortable hiking conditions for the Greater Mohican Audubon Society's annual walk and picnic.

We stopped to study a nest on the edge of road near the trail head, not much gets past this groups' inspection.

Louisiana Waterthrush  
Several Louisiana Waterthrushes were seen foraging about on the bank across the river.  Their numbers  suggest a very successful breeding season.

Canada Lily
 The botany along the trail was bathed in the mist of recent rain.  This Canada lily received plenty of attention from the photographers in the group.

Hapola Moth
Tiger Spiketail
A Hapola Moth was resting in plain view, but it took Bianca Davis' sharp eyes to come up with a Tiger Spiketail dragonfly. Our most coveted of dragonflies are difficult to find on shallow streams, deep in the woods; they are always a major sighting! 

Baby Wood Duck play follow the leader.
 A gathering of young Wood Ducks entertained the birders.  It was a pleasure to watch these youngsters paddling about in our scenic river.

 Picnic?  Oh yeah, the food was awesome.  This was an amazingly healthy spread!

 Dr. Scott Pendleton, DVM came from Cadiz, Ohio to give an informative program on the nesting habitats of Turkey Vultures.  His enthusiasm for the topic created a new appreciation for this commonly seen bird.  Suddenly, we all realized we knew very little about their secretive ways of nesting.

Here's a hint:  Turkey Vultures often use the base of hollowed out trees to protect their young. Scott pointed out several potential places as examples of  prime nesting locations.  His program was so good, I hate to give it all away here.   Let's say everyone present agreed it was really an educational day- especially as he shuffled about hissing and waving arms!

We'll try to get Scott on the roster for another event so even more people can be indoctrinated in the the Vulture fan club.  Thanks Scott, you do the best "baby vulture" imitation I have ever seen!!

1 comment:

  1. Would love to have been able to come to this!
    Jan Ferrell
