Saturday, June 4, 2011

Wood Lily Survey

An unusual lily, isolated to but a few counties in Ohio, can be found in both Adams and Scioto Counties. I wandered south to help set up for the OOS Breeding Bird Atlas program, and found myself smack dab in a botanical opportunity!

Wood Lily, Lilium philadelphicum is distinguished from other, more common lilies by its up-right flower.

Lucy Miller, a fine botanist / naturalist from Adams County invited me along to search some back woods and prairie opening for these rare flowers. We found at least eight populations of these highly colored flowers in bloom, and a few more that had the buds browsed off by deer before we found them.

The survey was being conducted by Marjie Becus, well known for some rare plants finds in Ohio. Here she marks the location of a blooming population of Wood Lily with a GPS locator.

And a birding bonus! While kicking around these prairies, we accidentally stirred up a brooding Whip-poor-will! We can count this "confirmed" breeder for the OBBA! Just like their relatives the "Chuck's," their nest consists of nothing more than a scrape on the ground.

Many more amazing things to feature from Adams County- wish you were here!


  1. These lilies have always been a favorite of mine. They are getting harder to find every year. We will not see blooms until the end of June or early July.
