Friday, November 25, 2016

#Opt Outside on Black Friday

Does nature speak to you?  It has plenty to say, if only we'll take time to listen: Relax. Reduce your stress levels.  Improve your health.  Breath easier.  

Spend time on a nature trail today.  I guarantee shopping in Black Friday crowds will provide none of those health benefits to you.

White Cedar tree trunk at an Adams County State Nature Preserve
Go outside and breathe deeply.  Find a path awash in fall beauty.  Ohio's countless State Parks and State Nature Preserves are calling to you.  Or find your oasis in a locally funded county park or land trust preserve.  

The Lyons Falls at Mohican State Park attract hikers from around the world.
When friends and family visit our house, my first instinct is to take them some place "wild".  Let's get back to nature and opt out of shopping on Black Friday.  Go take a hike instead!

For more information, follow these links to Trust for Public Land and REI- the retailer who has closed their doors today to get you OUTDOORS!

Trust for Public Land -  Protect our lands

#OptOutside with REI on Black Friday - REI.com

I hope you'll join my friends and me  as we improve our health and release happy thoughts and
good vibrations into the natural world.  While you are at it, hug a tree!

Kick your endorphins up a notch- #OptOutside !

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Scenes from a Covered Bridge

Let us ponder on lovely and peaceable things.  My best advice is to go forth into nature, breath deep and re-set your inner compass. The Stoics offer some wisdom for times of unrest.  Go within your heart and mind.  Immerse yourself in good thoughts and mental images. 

You have power over your mind - not outside events. 
Realize this, and you will find strength. 
                                                        Marcus Aurelius

A fall photo from the covered bridge within the Mohican State Park and Forest reminds me to simply be. Today will continue as tomorrow and this river will flow.  Know that good exists in the world.  We only need to look within ourselves for love and kindness. 

Mohican Covered Bridge  
Click here for map

Offering you peace like a river...

Friday, November 4, 2016

OOS holds a Rally for Rails

This article is reproduced from The Cerulean,  To see the OOS newsletter in it's entirety go here: